Monday 1 September 2008

Scientists Discover Leptin Can Also Aid Type 1 Diabetics

�Terminally ill rodents with type 1 diabetes get been restored to good health with a individual injection of a substance other than insulin by scientists at UT Southwestern Medical Center.

Since the uncovering of insulin in 1922, type 1 diabetes (insulin-dependent diabetes) in humans has been treated by injecting insulin to lower high blood lucre levels and prevent diabetic coma. New findings by UT Southwestern researchers, which appear online and in a next issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, suggest that insulin isn't the only agent that is effectual. Leptin, a hormone produced by the body's fat cells, likewise lowers blood glucose levels and maintains them in a normal range for extended periods, they found.

"The fact that these animals don't kick the bucket and are restored to normal health despite a total want of insulin is hard for many researchers and clinicians to believe," aforesaid Dr. Roger Unger, professor of national medicine and senior author of the study. "Many scientists, including us, thought it would be a waste of time to give leptin in the absence of insulin. We've been brainwashed into thought process that insulin is the only heart that tin correct the consequences of insulin deficiency."

The mechanism of leptin's glucose-lowering action appears to involve the suppression of glucagon, a internal secretion produced by the pancreas that raises glucose levels. Normally, glucagon is released when the glucose, or sugar, level in the blood is low. In insulin lack, however, glucagon levels ar inappropriately high gear and cause the liver to exit excessive amounts of glucose into the bloodstream. This action is opposed by insulin, which tells the body's cells to bump off sugar from the bloodstream.

In type 1 diabetes, which affects about 1 zillion people in the U.S., the pancreatic islet cells that bring forth insulin ar destroyed. Type 1 diabetics must convey insulin multiple times a day to metabolize line glucose and regiment their diets. In comparison, patients with non-insulin dependent, or type 2, diabetes make insulin, but their bodies don't react well to it. Type 2 diabetes affects 'tween 18 one thousand thousand and 20 million mass in this country.

In the current cogitation, researchers tested for the first time whether a single injectant of the leptin gene given to insulin-deficient mice and rats on the verge of death from diabetic coma could reversal the dangerous condition and prevent the animals from dying. The animals that received the leptin factor began producing excessive amounts of leptin, which reversed all the measurable consequences of type 1 diabetes including weight loss, hyperglycaemia and ketoacidosis, a potentially fatal condition that develops when the body doesn't have sufficiency insulin to meet basic metabolic requirements. Much of the effect was mediated by make out suppression of the heights glucagon levels, said Dr. Xinxin Yu, assistant instructor of internal medicine and lead source of the study.

"These animals were in reality dying," Dr. Yu said. "But if we gave them the leptin factor, within two weeks, the terminally ill rodents were restored to full health without whatsoever other treatment."

Dr. Unger aforementioned it's to a fault premature to know whether leptin mightiness someday put back insulin as a treatment for diabetic patients, simply this survey demonstrates that leptin could at least handle some of insulin's job requirements and do it for longer periods of time. Injected insulin is biologically active for only trey to four hours.

"My hope is that you could give leptin for one type of action glucagon's suppression, for example and insulin for another. Or perhaps give a substance other than insulin entirely," Dr. Unger said. "What would be a awful advance would be the ability to give an oral federal agent that suppresses glucagon without injections."

Dr. Yu said the research team hypothesizes that leptin combats diabetes not only be suppressing glucagon's action on the liver, but likewise by boosting the insulin-like actions of IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor-1), a endocrine that promotes growth and mimics insulin.

"One of the things that happens when a fry gets case 1 diabetes is their growth is stunted until they're minded insulin," Dr. Unger aforementioned. "The same is true with these mice. However, we set up that if you take aim a diabetic rat that's not receiving insulin and make it hyperleptinemic, it almost catches up growthwise."

While the treated animals' blood glucose levels inched back up over time, their hyperglycemia (heights blood sugar) consistently remained well down the stairs the elevated pre-treatment levels. The untreated rodents, on the other hand, died within deuce or trey days. The researchers tracked the treated rodents for 25 weeks.

The next step is to study other potential glucagon suppressants and begin leptin clinical trials within the next year.

Other UT Southwestern researchers involved in the study were Dr. May-Yun Wang, supporter professor of internal music; Dr. Zhao Wang, post doc researcher in internal medical specialty; and quondam postdoctoral

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Tuesday 12 August 2008


Artist: Merche




   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 13

Latin pop vocalist Merche was among the coltsfoot of stars launched via the Spanish television amateur natural endowment fund show window Operaciƃ³n Triunfo. Born Merche Trujillo Calleata in Cadiz, Spain, on June 14, 1974, she competed in the program's 2002 debut season and, patch non a winner, earned a warm sufficiency fan following to farming a criminal record deal with the Vale Music embossment. Merche's debut LP, Autentica, reach stores in 2004. Its followup, Necesito Libertad, appeared a year by and by.

Wednesday 6 August 2008


Artist: Pacifier



Pacifier (CD 2) - Weapons Of Mass Destruction   
 Pacifier (CD 2) - Weapons Of Mass Destruction

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 5

Pacifier (CD 1)   
 Pacifier (CD 1)

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 12

Pacifier low formed in their indigen New Zealand as Shihad. At the time, vocalist/guitarist John Toogood, drummer Tom Larkin, guitar player Phil Knight, and bassist Karl Kippenberger were heavily influenced by lam, and that sound dominated Devolve, their debut EP. The cut record was a barmy hit, and Shihad supported it with frequent tours of both N.Z. and Australia. The Roil LP was trussed more than successful, and the dance orchestra expanded into the European and U.K. tour of duty circuits. Noise signing Shihad, and countersink up distribution for Europe and eventually North America. The Party pooper LP from 1996 became the band's low to collide with stateside; by at present, their well-grounded had affected toward the post-hardcore hit-up of Helmet. Despite these successes, Shihad wasn't able to give a real incision domestically, and returned to their domicile groundwork.

Accolades for the set continued in New Zealand and Australia, where they played immense shows like the yearly Big Day Out events. The Blue Light Disco EP appeared in 1998, and by 2000's Ecumenical Electric, Shihad was enjoying distribution through Warner Australia. This association eventually lED the band back to the U.S., where the disparate sounds of acts like Trust Company, Saliva, and New Zealand's own D4 were making loud john Rock a marketable entity for the prominent boys. Shihad secured a plow through Arista, just were dealt a dramatic black eye by the September 11 terrorist attacks. The quartette changed its name to Pacifier, and debuted the sobriquet both domestically and afield with an eponymous LP in November 2002. It's thick, melodious, heavily produced sound was in assembly line with the corporate sound circa 2003, and Pacifier parlayed its conversion into a single ("Bullitproof") on MTV2 and spots on Lollapalooza that summer.


Artist: Afroman



Jobe Bells   
 Jobe Bells

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 12

Afroholic: The Even Better Times [CD 2]   
 Afroholic: The Even Better Times [CD 2]

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 16

Afroholic: The Even Better Times [CD 1]   
 Afroholic: The Even Better Times [CD 1]

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 17

Born Joseph Foreman, Afroman may be the number one creative someone to arrive at a cosmopolitan hit with the wait on of the Internet. Citing his influences as Too Short, Big Daddy Kane, and 2 Live Crew, he began his blame calling in the eighth grade when he started devising homemade tapes of his own songs and passing them out to his classmates. He got his

Judge Judy's Hubby Guilty of Being Her Bitch


Artist: Us3

Rap: Hip-Hop
   Acid Jazz



   Year: 2007   
Tracks: 14

Say What!?   
 Say What!?

   Year: 2007   
Tracks: 13


   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 1

An Ordinary Day In An Unusual Place   
 An Ordinary Day In An Unusual Place

   Year: 2001   
Tracks: 15

An Ordinary Day In A Unusual..   
 An Ordinary Day In A Unusual..

   Year: 2001   
Tracks: 15

Broadway and 52nd   
 Broadway and 52nd

   Year: 1997   
Tracks: 14

The Jazz Mixes   
 The Jazz Mixes

   Year: 1994   
Tracks: 8

I Got It Goin' On   
 I Got It Goin' On

   Year: 1994   
Tracks: 4

Hand on the Torch   
 Hand on the Torch

   Year: 1993   
Tracks: 13

The jazz/hip-hop optical fusion corporate Us3 scored a major strike in 1994 with "Cantaloop (Toss Fantasia)," a variant that displayed the group's fondness for sampling graeco-Roman recordings on the Blue Note label (in this case, Herbie Hancock's "Cantaloup Island"). The mathematical group was founded in London in 1991 when concert showman and jazz author Geoff Wilkinson met Mel Simpson, wHO was composing music for television set shows and ad jingles and had once played keyboards with John Mayall. The deuce produced an self-governing single, "Where Will We Be in the 21st Century?," which sold less than 250 copies. In 1992, their strain "The Band That Played the Boogie" attracted the attention of Blue Note proprietor Capitol Records, which gave Simpson and Wilkinson discharge rein to sample anything from the catalogue. The dickens right away went to process, hiring several musicians and rappers Kobie Powell and Rahsaan Kelly, with Tukka Yoot connection later. The roger Sessions resulted in the strike "Cantaloop" and the album Hand on the Torch. The group toured Japan and Europe, step by stair ablactation itself away from victimisation samples in a hot place setting, and played a well-received present at the 1993 Montreux Jazz Festival. Hand on the Torch was unheeded by nigh jazz publications, simply was chosen Album of the Year by Japan's Swing Journal, and the group were named Jazz Musicians of the Year by Britain's The Independent. After a nearly three-year detain, Us3 returned in 1997 with Broadway & 52nd, an record album which received positive reviews just failed to beget a strike. The dance orchestra -- though it was mostly Wilkinson and guests at this point -- continued to tone end new real into the raw millennium, even so, including 2005's Questions and 2007's Say What!?

Sixty Six - movie review

Federal Agents Seize More Than $24 Million In Unapproved New Drugs

�Representatives of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Marshals Service today seized $24.2 million worth of unapproved new drugs from KV Pharmaceutical Company of St. Louis, Mo. Agents acted after United States Attorney Catherine L. Hanaway filed a civil forfeiture suit and obtained a warrant to seize the unapproved new drug products being made by KV Pharmaceutical.

"American consumers are entitled to have safe and effective drugs," said Hanaway.

The seizure followed an inspection of several of the company's plants where FDA investigators found that the company was not complying with an FDA enforcement notice as well as manufacturing unapproved new drugs such as products for cough, cold, topical wound healing, skin bleaching, and gastrointestinal conditions, as well as narcotic drug products.

"The FDA is committed to taking enforcement action against firms that circumvent the drug approval process," said Janet Woodcock, M.D., director of FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER). "Consumers need to be confident that the drugs and medical products they use are safe and effective, and the FDA will take the necessary measures to ensure safety and effectiveness throughout the lifecycle of the product, including keeping the product from reaching the marketplace."

In a routine inspection of KV Pharmaceutical's facilities in early 2008, the FDA found the company was violating its May 29, 2007, notice (72 FR 29517) requiring companies to stop manufacturing all timed-release drug products containing guaifenesin, including combination drug products in which guaifenesin is in immediate release form, but another ingredient in the combination drug product is in timed-release form, because they are unapproved new drugs. FDA took the action as part of its effort to ensure that all drugs marketed in the United States have the required FDA approval and that they are safe, effective, of good quality, and are appropriately labeled. For products in timed-release form, FDA approval is also necessary to make sure that the product releases its active ingredients at the correct rate. Improperly manufactured timed-release products may release the active ingredients too quickly, too slowly, or not at all, making the product unsafe or ineffective.

The FDA required companies to stop manufacturing the affected products before August 27, 2007, and to stop shipping the products before November 26, 2007. KV Pharmaceutical continued to manufacture and ship these unapproved new drugs after the cessation dates.

The inspection also exposed the company's manufacturing and distribution of other unapproved drug products. Today's action addresses numerous unapproved drug products manufactured and distributed by the company.

The following drug products were seized and will be destroyed:

- PhenaVent Capsules

- PhenaVent LA Capsules

- PhenaVent PED Capsules

- Ethezyme Papain-Urea Ointment

- Ethezyme 650 Papain-Urea Ointment

- Ethezyme 830 Papain-Urea Ointment

- Hista-Vent DA Tablets

- Meperidine/Promethazine Capsules

- Pseudovent Capsules

- Pseudovent 400 Capsules

- Pseudovent PED Capsules

- Tri-Vent DM Syrup

- Tri-Vent DPC Syrup

- Hydro-Tussin DM Liquid

- Hydro-Tussin CBX Syrup

- Hydro-Tussin DHC Syrup

- Hydro- Tussin EXP Syrup

- Hydro-Tussin HD Syrup

- Hyoscyamine Sulfate Sublingual Tablets

- Hydroquinone 4% Cream

- Hydroquinone 4% Cream with Sunscreen

- Bromfenex Extended Release Capsules

- Bromfenex PD Extended Release Capsules

The seized drugs had been held under embargo by the state of Missouri. Since the time of the embargo, KV Pharmaceutical has been cooperating with FDA officials.

"The FDA will take action against companies that continue to manufacture or market an unapproved product after the marketing or distribution cessation date," said Deborah M. Autor, director of the FDA's Office of Compliance within CDER. "When a company does not heed a cessation date relating to a specific product, the FDA will take enforcement action relating to the company's other unapproved drugs."

In June 2006, the FDA issued a guidance document titled, "Marketed Unapproved Drugs-Compliance Policy Guide (CPG)." This CPG makes clear that companies may not market drugs that require approval without first establishing, through applications for approval, that the products are safe and effective.

The FDA encourages consumers who may have these products to contact their health care professional about FDA-approved treatments and discard these products.

Link to CPG guidance.

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